Neon Genesis Evangelion is a Japanese anime TV series first aired in 1995 which received worldwide recognition and fame The Evangelion Unit mecha robots mainly designed by Ikuto Yamashita becameYoshiyuki Sadamoto, one of the founding members of the animation powerhouse Studio Gainax, is the character designer for The Wings of Honnemaise, Nadia, Neon Genesis Evangelion and many other anime, illustration and art projects His art book, Der Mond, is also available in English translation from VIZ MediaNeon Genesis Evangelion is Sadamoto's only fulllength manga seriesManga Covers Evangelion EVA01 NERV Blank walls suck, so bring some life to your dorm, bedroom, office, studio, wherever Printed on 185gsm semi gloss poster paper Custom cut refer to size chart for finished measurements Includes a 3/16 Death Anime Art Manga Neon Genesis Evangelion Hd Mobile Wallpaper Peakpx Evangelion manga art